Minor League Baseball is getting a pitch clock

After a trial in the Arizona Fall League, the pitch clock is heading to AA and AAA games for the 2015 season. In addition, other rules focusing on pace of play will be implemented, including the requirement for hitters to keep one foot in the batter’s box and a time limit on pitching changes.

At this week’s Owners Meetings in Arizona, pace-of-game has been a key item on the agenda. Negotiations with the Players’ Union are ongoing, but reports indicate that a 20-second pitch clock will be used at the two upper levels of the Minor Leagues this season.

The pitch clock was first implemented in affiliated ball during select games in the 2014 Arizona Fall League season. In the AFL, a violation of the 20-second clock was grounds for an automatic ball granted to the batter.


Other changes tested during the AFL campaign — such as requiring a hitter to keep one foot in the batter’s box during the entirety of an at-bat and time limits on pitching changes — reportedly will also be implemented in the Double-A and Triple-A leagues.

The AFL also tested a rule whereby managers could wave an opposing hitter to first base rather than have the pitcher throw the four pitches required for an intentional walk, but [Joe] Torre indicated in December that it was unlikely that this rule would go any further.

And it begins. Pace of play and game length has been a hot topic for years, and we’re starting to see some steps towards change. Sure, implementation in the minors isn’t anything close to implementation in the majors, but it shows that baseball is taking the time problem seriously and is trying to fix the issue. Now, to see whether or not the rules actually get enforced and how MLB veterans in AA and AAA react…

