Here’s some archival Spring Training footage from the 1950s

Spring Training is right around the corner, and we’re obviously hyped for the start of the baseball season. So let’s get in the mood for baseball with this archival Spring Training footage from the 1950s, much of which is unknown.

According to Grantland’s Jonah Keri, this footage came from someone’s private collection, and there isn’t much known about it. Ted Williams is featured. A few Reds players show up. It was filmed sometime during the 1950s in Florida. Aside from that, everyone is clueless.

But look at how different Spring Training was 60 years ago. The crowds are much smaller, and look like they’re sitting on bleachers watching the game. The field looks like something you might find in a local park. The backdrop is as gorgeous as ever, with plenty of lush, green vegetation and few skyscrapers.

Times sure have changed here in 2015. Kudos to the people at MLB for converting this footage and uploading it online – I think we all love watching archival MLB footage, and this is now exception.

