Carlos Gomez on Madison Bumgarner: “he’s not my dad”

During Tuesday night’s Giants-Brewers game at Miller Park, Milwaukee outfielder Carlos Gomez wasn’t pleased with fouling off a pitch from Madison Bumgarner, and swore at himself.

Bumgarner then threw an inside fastball to Gomez and both players had a staredown before Gomez flew out to end the inning.

Gomez then talked about the incident after the game, and explained just what exactly happened. Via

“Who does that guy think he is, Bumgarner?” Gomez said. “I never scream at anybody when they miss a pitch and he screams at himself, or they make a pitch and be happy. I never say anything. So you put a good swing, and they’re looking at you like you’re a piece of [garbage]. Tell that [guy] to throw the ball and don’t worry about my thing.

“That [guy] was looking at me like I’m an idiot. So you worry about pitching, I worry about hitting. I don’t care what you do. You can strike me out and do whatever you want. That doesn’t bother me. But a professional, like the guy he thinks he [is], you throw the pitch and the hitter can do whatever he wants. I missed a pitch. … I was [upset] because I waited for that pitch and I’m supposed to hit it and I missed it.

“… I was [mad] at myself, so he can’t be looking at me. He’s not my dad.”

Both Bumgarner and Gomez are intense dudes, and I’m sure most people aren’t going to be sympathetic towards Gomez in a situation like this (especially when you consider the success that Bumgarner has had recently, whether that’s fair to lend credence to or not).

I don’t know why Bumgarner would take offense at Gomez being frustrated at himself for missing what he felt was a hittable pitch, but I’m sure there’s some sort of unwritten rule about that. My advice for both parties? Take it down just a notch.

And fans, please don’t mention the word “classy” in a situation like this – it’s completely ridiculous and doesn’t apply at all.

