Adam Dunn pitching

Adam Dunn pitched tonight

Usually when we see a position player pitching, it’s a utility infielder or backup catcher. But Tuesday night, the Chicago White Sox turned to Adam Dunn.

Dunn pitched the 9th inning of Chicago’s 16-0 loss to the Rangers. And it was glorious.

Dunn was able to record three outs, allowing two hits and a run. Unfortunately, he did not strike anyone out. This may have been the only time in history anyone actually wanted to hear the “HE GONE!” call, but alas, it was not meant to be.

According to Brooks Baseball, 20 of his 22 pitches were “changeups,” averaging about 80 mph. He did, however, throw one curve and one slider.

No word yet on if this increases his trade value as teams try to piece together waiver deals this month.

About Jaymes Langrehr

Jaymes grew up in Wisconsin, and still lives there because no matter how much he complains about it, deep down he must like the miserable winters. He also contributes to Brewers blog Disciples of Uecker when he isn't too busy trying to be funny on Twitter.
