Zack Greinke Has a Wardrobe Malfunction

No, it’s not quite on par with Janet Jackson from the infamous halftime show of the Panthers-Patriots Super Bowl, but it’s still worth noting.

Zack Greinke pinch hit in the bottom of the 5th inning and had a major wardrobe malfunction. Intentional or not, Greinke was wearing the “Bierbrauers” uniform which the Brewers have set aside for German Heritage Day at Miller Park.

There’s just one problem.


The rest of the team was wearing their normal navy blue home alernates, which look like this:

Brewers home alternate jerseys

Whether this was Greinke being a prankster or not remains to be seen. Still it’s fairly difficult to believe that he could have taken the field wearing a different jersey than the rest of his teammates and nobody actually noticed what was going on. Besides if that’s the worst thing that happens to the Brewers this season…well, they’re gonna be just fine.

(H/T to Larry Granillo from WezenBall for the Greinke screengrab)
