The New Marlins Logo is….Interesting

My Braves are playing the Marlins tonight, so a lot of Marlins talk is coming into my Twitter feed. Just a couple minutes ago, a picture of what is apparently being confirmed as their new logo is popping up. Here it is.


So let’s take a look at this. The teal color scheme is completely gone, replaced with a blue, yellow, white and (surprise surprise!) orange layout. What in the hell is the obsession with the color orange in the city of Miami? Hurricanes, Dolphins, Heat, and now, Marlins. Way to be original, guys. The actual marlin picture in the logo is gone, and instead replaced with a stylized representation of a marlin. Contemporary art! And then, there’s the giant M. This looks like something out of the 80’s, with it’s design. I could easily see that M in a commercial for some sort of company that just came out with a color TV. The use of four prominent colors kind of reminds me of the 1980’s Apple logo too. And the font used in the “Marlins” on top of the logo reminds me of something that was made in Wordart in your copy of MS Office. In fact, doesn’t it look pretty familiar to this?

Play with it a little bit, and BAM, you’ve got a new typeface for your jersey that isn’t unique at all! So let’s recap: 1980’s style logo, and a typeface that came straight off a comptuer. Well done, Marlins. You’ve conjured up memories from the decade I was born, when your team wasn’t even in existance and had an intern make the front of your jerseys. Take a bow!

About Joe Lucia

I hate your favorite team. I also sort of hate most of my favorite teams.
