The Legend of Brewers Superfan “Front Row Amy” Williams

In the midst of the best season in franchise history, somehow a suburban mother has become the face of the Milwaukee Brewers.

The woman you see above is Amy Williams of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Or as she’s better known in the blogosphere, “Front Row Amy”.

Williams became an unwitting overnight sensation when a Deadspin reader enlisted the help of the site’s I-Team in finding out just who the comely lass in the front row behind home plate of every home game is. Brewer fans, notoriously among the more active message board posters, have taken note as well with one posting the following:

“I told my wife that she needs to be more like front row Amy tonight. She said she doesn’t know how to keep book but she has the “hair flick down now.”

I am so lucky.”

So who exactly is Amy Williams? Well, as you’ll see after the jump (and with all due respect to Russ Williams, her husband), she’s kind of…well, hot.




As evidenced by this picture from her Facebook page and her Twitter handle (@brewergirl823), she’s a big Brewers fan. So big in fact that she reportedly has a single season ticket and makes the hour and a half commute from Oshkosh to Milwaukee for every Brewers home game. According to Deadspin’s stellar piece, she reportedly goes to games alone so she “can focus on the game and keep score.” Because she’s, you know, a dedicated fan and all.

Her Twitter bio describes her as “the most passionate Brewers fan you will ever meet. I love Miller Park. I love to dance. I work out a lot. Did I mention I love the Brewers?! :)” But lest you think Front Row Amy is just another Brewers fan, you my friend, would be sadly mistaken. 


(Ed. Note: Good. Freaking. Lord.)

Front Row Amy is a proud member of the Class of ’93 of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (Go Titans!), the proud holder of a Bachelor of Science in English. According to her Facebook page, she has been doing accounting work for Anchorage Realty, a company that states on their website that they “enjoy helping our clients find the type of housing they need at a price they can afford.” Because that’s the Wisconsin way, really, going out of your way to help your neighbors find a good product at a reasonable price.

What more can I, a former Brewers racing sausage, tell you about Amy Williams?


She has definitely met JJ Hardy, who appears to be sporting the kind of dumbfounded smile that any of us would be were a woman like her to ask one of us for our autograph. Again, she is clearly a huge Brewers fan as evidenced by the amount of pictures of Miller Park and the Brewers on her Facebook page. And like many Brewers fans, she also doesn’t care much for Cubs fans’ shenanigans as evidenced by this recent tweet:

Amy Williams@ Miller Park pkg lot. Sum cubs fans r blasting that stupid song..cubs r gonna win 2day..Really?? Think u just got swept be the 28 Aug via txt


And lastly, this Brewers superfan knows what she likes when it comes to her favorite team.

Amy Williams That’s me 🙂 LOVE the, great pitching & a sexy ass curve ball. & yes I keep score at every game.28 Aug via Mobile Web

So here’s to you, Front Row Amy, and your husband Russ for being the luckiest guy in Wisconsin not named Nyjer Morgan. We here at The Outside Corner salute you for your continued support of the Brewers organization.

And, of course, for looking better at 42 than most women do at 24. 
