Ryan Braun Wants a Homer, Instead Eats Dirt

Courtesy of the fantastic Timothy Burke of SportsGrid comes this video from tonight’s Brewers-Cardinals game. Ryan Braun smashes a ball to deep left center field and Cardinals center fielder Allen Craig misplays the ball, sliding into the wall. Braun looks like he’s easily going to score on the play. One problem…on his way around third, he eats dirt and is thrown out easily after a brief rundown. Milwaukee is currently losing 8-3 in the sixth inning, so Braun’s would-be run isn’t a total killer for the team…but still. It sucks. Same thing happened to me senior year of high school in a gym class softball game….but then again, I was the fat kid, not a professional athlete. It’s still embarrassing as all hell, though.

About Joe Lucia

I hate your favorite team. I also sort of hate most of my favorite teams.
